It was frosty again this morning, but by lunchtime it was glorious! So warm, in fact, that I worked in T-shirt and shorts this afternoon. The locals don’t seem at all surprised at how quickly it can warm up and I suppose we’ll get used to it one day, but for now it’s a novelty and one we’re making the most of.
Nick and Kieran spent the morning building walls in the entrance hall-to-be, then started to work on the hen house after lunch. I’m told the design is “evolutionary”, which I gather means they don’t really have a plan, so I’m just hoping for the best. I don’t expect hens are too fussy.
I barrowed the contents of the first compost bin onto the soon to be veg plot, then turned the next compost bin-full into the empty one. I think I’m going to ache tomorrow. It was a bit difficult digging the compost out of the bin as it was still frozen from the cold spell we’ve had, but it broke up eventually!
- My workshop – not quite ready yet
- The start of the entrance hall walls
- A hen-house in the making