For anyone desperate to find out what was hiding under the mattresses, all is about to be revealed! No, not a badger, or a dog, or even an enormous, overgrown, GMO pea; but a rolled-up duvet! What an anti-climax, sorry! King Nick and Emperor Adrian were very disappointed when it wasn’t a princess.
On Sunday, I went to the Pyrenees with the Nogaro walking club. We drove to the Col de Soulor, where those of us who didn’t own “raquettes”, or snow shoes, were able to hire them; we then did a 12km walk through staggeringly beautiful scenery. The weather wasn’t great; it rained a bit and was very cloudy, but that didn’t dampen the spirits of the 30-odd people who went.
Today we’ve been helping Emperor Adrian to start the renovations of his “maisie”, a little house on his land, which has seen better days. So the “demolitions r us” team moved in, ripping out ceilings, walls, bathroom fittings, windows; in fact, everything but the roof and outer walls. Tomorrow the new ceiling will go up, then the damp old concrete floor will be ripped out, and a new one laid over a damp proof membrane. I’ve not been idle while the works have progressed apace; I’ve been appointed catering manager and interior designer, so I’ve had great fun redesigning the inside of the building and choosing bathroom fittings and a new kitchen.
They’re all looking pretty wiped out tonight; I think we’re going to watch a film (or sleep through it!)
- Gutted and emptied
- Nick’s best friends
- He wasn’t happy when I took a photo of him!
- Ade’s answer to a dripping pipe – attack it with an axe
- Kieran – “is this water turned off?” Ade – ” no, I thought you might need it”
- Before, inside the maisie
- Before; the maisie
- The hen house, finished
- No meal here is complete without wine!
I did wonder how long it would be before people got to know of your skills in house renovation! Don’t think it will be long before you are being asked to make curtains, quilts etc.
Sorry Kieran, I don’t think you will find many Princesses hiding under matresses. You might have better luck at the pub.