At last, we’ve got round to naming the little chickens. Izzy named some of them – Flappy, Flossy and Fluffy, but we hope she won’t mind, or remember when she arrives in August.
The two big chickens are Sage and Onion; the little ones are Peppercorn, the black one; the golden one is Rosemary, and the other two, who we can’t tell apart, are Tarragon and Marjoram.
They are becoming more confident by the day; when Nick opened the door this afternoon, to go out, three of them hopped straight up onto the doorstep and into the hall! I think it’s nearly time to start keeping them in their own enclosure!
Today has given new meaning to the term “April showers”; it has oscillated all day between pouring rain, bright sun and tremendous hail showers, the changes being unbelievably quick. Because we weren’t able to do any outside work; Nick finished a spice rack he started before Christmas and I spent the afternoon pulling all the silicon sealant out of the bottom edge of the new shower because it still leaks. I’ll give it till tomorrow to dry out thoroughly, then seal it again; surely it can’t be that difficult to do!
- I think we need some drainage
- Marjoram
- Rosemary
- Onion
- Sage
- Peppercorn
- Tarragon