We harvested our first crop from the potager today! OK, so it was only a couple of handfuls of radishes, but they did taste good! The cabbages, lettuces, spinach and rocket are growing well too, though the beans have yet to put in appearance.
Yesterday we went to a friend’s birthday party; the theme was supposed to be “extreme facial hair”, well, for the men anyway. Nick did his bit, with his moustache grown and waxed and his beard partly shaved (the rest went today), but disappointingly few of the other fellas had made the effort. It did, however, make me think it might be an amusing idea to have a “‘taches and lashes” party in the summer; men in moustaches and women in false eyelashes, or vice versa if anyone fancies it!
The high point of the evening for me, though, was a trip to the bathroom. Yes, I know; I’m a very sad person and I should get a life, but the shower was an amazing work of art, a mosaic depicting the tree of life. Unfortunately, Nick is adamant that if I want a shower like that, it will have to be out in the garden:-( Near the pool, perhaps?:-)
- An amazing shower – I want one!