Kieran’s words – not mine, to describe himself after he’d overreached, using the Stihl saw and ended up attempting to amputate a leg! A quick trip to the local A&E department, where he was stitched up (at three levels, apparently, because it was such a deep cut), followed by a 90euro trip to the pharmacy, which doesn’t include the price of the leg brace for which we’ll be billed separately and we were home in less than 3 hours, including a half hour drive each way. Everybody was friendly and helpful and explained everything they were doing, as well as what Kieran needs to do next. Apart from being more careful next time, that is.
He has to wear the leg brace whenever he’s standing for the next 10 to 14 days, so no motorbiking for a while; it’ll be an impressively clean and shiny bike by the time he can ride it again.
- Kieran modelling the latest fashion in leg wear.
- A very tidy bit of handiwork.