When we bought this house, there was a large wine press in the grange. Nick and Kieran dismantled it, but the problem was how to dispose of the 3.5m long, 20cm thick, extremely heavy screw thread from the centre of it; it certainly weighed far too much to take to the local tip! (Kieran estimates probably about half a ton)
They finally decided that it would have to be buried in the grange, so as it was pouring with rain today, it seemed a suitable project. Kieran dug the hole with the digger, but had a slight mishap when one of the wheels “just came off”; a trip to town for a suitably sized socket to take a bolt out, to allow them to fix it, then came the hard part. They tied rope to the screw and lifted it with the digger, but there’s a ridge in the middle of the floor; as the digger went over the ridge, the weight of the screw threatened to tip the digger over. Kieran lowered the screw to the floor till the digger tracks were back on the level again, then turned and lowered the screw into its grave before filling the hole with rubble.
A good day; we’re rid of the screw and a bit of our rubble mountain and the boys thoroughly enjoyed their game!
- In its final resting place
- So heavy, the digger nearly upended!
- One very heavy screw
- “The wheel just dropped off!”
- Hugo making a meal of Kieran’s neck
- My workshop floor – finished