I know; it was stupid; I should have known better by now; but I never learn. So, after several weeks of non-stop gardening, cycling and DIYing, my back decided it was time for a rest. I’ve spent most of the last 4 days confined to bed, barely able to shuffle about, let alone go to the Pyrenees for the weekend’s planned walk with the club 🙁 It’s improving now, though, as it should; we’ve got dinner for eight tomorrow, a visit to friends’ later in the week, then there’s the bathroom to finish before 6 motorbikers descend in 10 days and the floor in the arrière cuisine to tile….. Hmmm, sounding familiar….!
However, Nick and Kieran enjoyed their weekend. Kieran went for a motorbike ride up the col de Somport in the Pyrenees with Adrian and Julie and Nick took his bike for a ride up four cols, the highest of which was the col de Pierre St. Martin, at 1765m. His companion for the day was Philippa, a very keen cyclist who lives nearby and who is going to join a select band to do a Raide Pyreneen (end to end of the Pyrenees) in the autumn.
It was back to work today, for the lads anyway, as they started to fit the VMC, a ventilation system for the kitchen and bathrooms, as well as shutters for the last two windows in the back wall. As soon as my back allows, I’ll have to lasure them, but perhaps not this week!
- Hugo’s current favourite sleeping place – Kieran’s hat
- The bathroom side of the VMC
- Fitting the VMC
- The highest point of Nick and Philippa’s ride
- Philippa
- On the col de Somport
- Kieran on his motorbike
- Kieran