Having spent many hours doing the preparatory work, Nick and Kieran were today ready to start putting the chevrons onto the hangar roof. The weather was perfect; warm, with not a breath of wind, so they made a good start this morning. By the time evening came, they were tired but very pleased to have achieved so much; tomorrow they’ll be able to start putting the actual roofing stuff on (corrugated, bitumen-coated sheets on the back, to take the photovoltaique panels and tiles on the front).
Having spent the best part of this week sorting out our paperwork, I was given time off for good behaviour this afternoon and allowed to go cycling with the club. I only did half the ride as I’ve not done much over the summer; but I was shocked at how unfit I’ve become! Must get out more!
- A well-earned beer at the end of a hard day’s work
- A (work)room with a view!
- Hugo trying his paw at carpentry