It’s mid-November and the weather this week has been incredible! Brilliant, blue skies and temps in the twenties!
While cycling with the club yesterday, Nick and our friend and fellow cyclist, Philippa, decided it was too good a chance to miss, so early this morning they headed off to the Pyrenees for what must, surely, be the last ride in the hills this year. The col they wanted to do was closed, due to ice on the road, but they were able to do a different one and had a fantastic day, though I gather the descent was pretty cool.
For my part, I had a wander round a local market, coming home with huge quantities of fruit and veg and some plants to brighten up winter windowsills, as well as an apricot tree and a walnut tree. It will be a few years before they fruit, but I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait.
- Yes! It’s for real! And it was today – honest!
- My “commute” to the market
- These Irish get everywhere!