Saturday was the Telethon, a national, televised fund-raising event. In Caupenne, it kicked off last Sunday with an afternoon of line dancing at the salles des fêtes; I went along to help sell flowers, teddies and things like that – the stuff fund-raising is made of.
Yesterday there was a selection of stalls in Nogaro; cakes, books, more flowers, the fire brigade making merveilles and hot chocolate, as well as a walk and a bike ride. Even the little aerodrome was involved, giving plane and glider flights in exchange for a donation. Someone with a 3-wheeled motorbike was taking people for rides around the motor race circuit, as was another man who had what I would describe as an old-fashioned racing car. I’m sure there’s a more accurate description of it than that, but I don’t have a clue what it is; it looked like fun, though! At lunch time the cycle club put on a meal in the club house; garbure and daube, followed by apple tart, coffee and armagnac – just what was needed, whether you’d been standing outside in the cold all morning, walking or cycling. Janneau, who does the cooking, even made specials for me, without the ingredients I’m allergic to, so while I was baking for the cake stall, I made an extra cake for him. He’s a retired patissier, so it had to be something I thought he’d never have tasted before; carrot cake with cream cheese icing seemed to fit the bill and he looked suitably unsure when I handed it over. But Nick tells me that when they went back to the club house after today’s ride, there was only a miniscule piece left, which was divided among the cyclists, who were told it was made by “Madame Nick” 😀
I don’t know how much was raised in total, but when I find out, I’ll let you know
- Guess how many bread rolls