What perfect timing! When Joel, our builder, turned up on spec yesterday, to measure the roof, he was impressed to find Nick and Kieran digging out the foundations for the internal walls in our house.
The order in which they did the digging had to be carefully planned as the the trenches are 60cm wide and 55cm deep, so too wide to drive the digger over without losing it. They did manage to cut through the water pipe a couple of times as we’d laid it less deep than the foundations, but it was no problem to pull some extra length through from outside and they’ll join it later, before it’s connected to the mains. They finished this afternoon and there’s just a bit of clearing up to do tomorrow before Joel arrives on Monday morning to start pouring the concrete for the foundations.
I think things will start to move quite quickly then; it will certainly feel fast as Joel is like a whirlwind on legs – he speaks fast, moves fast and is exhausting to be near for any length of time!
- Trenching all done 🙂