Nick was working by 7.30 this morning, removing the rest of the rubble generated yesterday, cutting windows. But when Joel arrived with two of his employees, Nick and Kieran were no longer required, so they amused themselves by starting to replace the bit of débaras (junk room) floor that was under the chimneybreast when they removed it. They had to cut out the part tiles and cement up the floor, which, of course, caused mountains of dust. They claim to have closed at least one door, but I’m not convinced!
Once that was at a stage to be left to dry, Nick started working on tarting up the grotty cupboards in the arrière cuisine, making wooden end panels and a panel for the back of the washing machine. I’ve arranged the tiles for one wall on the work surface, but haven’t had time to stick any to the walls yet.
I taught my first paid French class this morning; it went well and everyone seemed happy with it. I dashed home, had a very hasty lunch and went to meet a woman, to arrange future lessons, as I thought. However, when we’d discussed times, dates, etc., she decided it would be a good idea for her to have her first lesson today, “if I had time”. It normally takes me 2-3 hours to plan a lesson………! So I blagged my way through it, on the basis of what I’d taught in French this morning and she was delighted with the result. Phew! By the end, my languages were getting a little mixed up; on Tuesdays I teach English mostly in English, this morning I’d done French, but mostly in English for beginners, then this afternoon was English, but mostly in French!!! Ah well, I suppose it’ll help stave off Alzheimers 😉
PS A prize for the first person to spot the beer bottle!
- Arranging the tiles for the arrière cuisine
- Débaras floor
- Two windows now!
- Shuttering for the lintel