It doesn’t seem possible that just three days ago, we were outside in T-shirts! We thought spring had sprung and summer was just around the corner; but no, we woke this morning to a quiet blanket of snow that’s turned the trees to lace and the land as far as we can see to a winter wonderland.
The sky was still heavy and snow still falling when Nick and I went out for a walk (I’d cancelled today’s lessons as I didn’t fancy driving), but later, as the sun was setting, the sky cleared and it looked so beautiful. It’s very cold, though, so I suspect that we won’t have much fruit this year from the trees that are already covered in blossom.
The lads had dug out half the bike shed floor yesterday, with a view to mixing and laying concrete today; needless to say, that didn’t happen. I made the most of my “day off” by trying to sort out the paperwork that has somehow accumulated over every surface in the spare room. I must have made some progress to judge by the amount of paper I’ve shredded! Perhaps Alex, Graham and Izzy will have somewhere to sleep at Easter after all!
- Taking shelter
- No peaches this year then….
- Nor plums…..
- Or even cherries!