The photovoltaic man arrived on Monday morning, as promised; dropping off the materials as he had another job to finish. He came back on Tuesday, with two workers and they set to work, taking the back roof off the garage, laying the waterproof membrane and placing the frames that will hold the panels and form the roof. Everything was going so well. But then they took the frames off, put them back on, and took them off again. The garage is more of a trapezoid shape than a square, so the frames, which interlock, weren’t sitting properly.
By this time it was 7.30pm, so they went home, expecting to be back this morning; but it hammered down with rain overnight, leaving everywhere too wet and slippery to walk safely. So they’ll be back tomorrow – if it’s dry. Here’s hoping.
Nick and I have been swamped with tax forms recently; my autoentrepreneur tax form, our joint French income tax form and our UK tax forms. Fortunately, we subscribe to an English ex-pat type newspaper, which has a whole section devoted to how to fill in the income tax form, so we’ve spent several evenings pouring over that, collecting together all the required data and tonight have finally completed it! It feels like quite an achievement to have done it ourselves, without driving over to Condom to ask the nice man in the tax office for help. Just the UK ones to do now, then.
- Betty meets Bertie – amour at first sight?!