For anyone who’s been following this, we weren’t surprised when the man installing the heating failed to turn up today. Nor when his wife failed to reply to the message I left on the phone. Monday? Who knows. C’est comme ça.…. Frustrating, though!
The lads haven’t been wasting their time, though; the upstairs window is in and glazed and looks great. I can’t wait to get started on the stained glass to put in it! But that’s not a priority at the moment. They have also bought the wood for the balcony floor and I think Nick plans to start putting it down soon. From there we’ll be able to see the Pyrenees on a clear day; not as much as from the end of the garden, but it’s still magical to be able to spot them in the distance, over the tops of the trees.
At the risk of being really boring – the shower started leaking AGAIN a while ago, pouring water down the kitchen wall again. So Nick and Kieran removed the entire thing, right down to the tray, we cleaned off all the old sealant and they re-installed it today. Fingers crossed!
- View from the garden tonight