At last, a mere 10 months after the installation of our photovoltaic panels, the men from ERDF have been round to start the hook-up to the grid; only start, mind, after all, you can’t rush these things. They will be back to do the rest……., but when asked how long that would take, they were somewhat reluctant to say. Still, we feel we are on the right track at last.
The heating installer has returned, too, to finish the central heating system. We now have a pompe à chaleur outside the house; it works by taking calories from the air and using them to warm a fluid that will run in the pipes under the floors. He said we’d try it out tomorrow, when he’s fitted the radiators in the rooms that don’t have underfloor heating. It’ll be lovely to be able to walk around barefoot in the winter on tiled floors!
Nick hasn’t been idle recently; our old compost bins had composted themselves, so he and Kieran cleared out the compost and dug foundations for new bins. Nick’s built them in breeze block this time and will make the fronts of planks so they’re removable. He crepied part of the garage wall and just needs to finish that off once the mortar is dry, so he can stand on the bins – and once the weather picks up again. After two weeks of glorious sunshine, it’s been back to winter for the last few days, with cold winds and sudden hailstorms blowing in from nowhere. Roll on spring!
En fin, seulement 10 mois après l’installation de nos panneaux photovoltaiques, les hommes de ERDF sont venus commencer faire la raccordement. Ils n’ont pas terminé; il faut plus de temps pour ça, mais on a le sens maintenant que, peut etre un jour, on sera connecté à la toile electrique.
Le monsieur que fait l’installation du systeme de chauffage est revenu aussi; il y a un pompe à chaleur derrière la maison maintenant et il va revenir demain pour installer les radiateurs où on n’aura pas du chauffage sous-sol. Il a dit qu’on pourra l’essayer demain; il sera tellement bon de pouvoir marcher pieds nus au carrelage en hiver!
Nick a été bien occupé recemment; les anciens composteurs sont devenus du compost, donc il les a débarrassé et a construit des nouveaux en parpaings. Il a fait la moitié du crepi au mur du garage, mais doit attendre que le ciment seche avant de faire la reste, quand il peut travailler d’en haut des composteurs. Il faut, aussi, attendre le beau temps; apres deux semaines d’un temps magnifique, on est rentré dans l’hiver, avec un vent froid et des orages de greles. Vivement le printemps!
- Another hole to be dug
- This has something to do with the photovoltaique panels!
- part of the central heating
- Pompe à chaleur – this drives our central heating system