One of my students, Tracy, is completely animal mad; she has cats, dogs, goats, horses, pigs, chickens, ducks and a goose, Clementine, which she thinks is female. She had already agreed in principle to fostering our goose, as long as hers is female, and was looking forward to the challenge of taming “the beast”, who had attacked her on more than one occasion.
When Nick had to go to England last week, I really couldn’t cope with the thought of having to do battle with the monster (and lose) twice a day while he was away, so he and Tracy agreed to a trial.
When we delivered the goose Tracy announced that she’d decided to rename him Terminator; she’d warned her husband about how ferocious a beast he was, but when Nick took him out of the trailer, he made not a sound. Nick put him in the enclosure with the other goose and the ducks; he stood quietly in a corner, until one of the ducks attacked him, when he ran away! Tracy’s husband must think we’re all liars! I almost felt sorry for him, no longer the king and malevolent dictator of all he surveyed, until I remembered how often he’s attacked me over the past two years.
Nick misses him, of course, but he has full visiting rights and Tracy gives us regular updates. She’s now calling him Norman and says he’s unrecognisable as the bully he was; he’s even getting quite friendly with Clementine. Perhaps it’s just that he now has company as well as a huge pond to swim in, but the transformation is incredible and for my part, I’m loving being able to go into the garden without a bodyguard.
Lorsque nous avons livré le jar, Tracy a annoncé qu’elle avait décidé de le renommer Terminator; elle avait averti son mari que c’est une bête féroce, mais quand Nick l’a sorti de la remorque, il n’a fait aucun bruit. Nick l’a mis dans l’enceinte avec l’oie et des canards; il se tenait silencieusement dans un coin, jusqu’à un des canards lui a attaqué, quand il s’est enfui! Le mari de Tracy doit penser que nous sommes tous des menteurs! Je me sentais presque désolée pour lui, ne plus le roi et dictateur maléfique de tout son terrain, jusqu’à je me suis rappelée combien de fois il m’a attaqué au cours des deux dernières années.
Il Nick manque, bien sûr, mais il a le droit de visiter quand il veut et Tracy nous donne des mises à jour régulières. Elle l’appele Norman maintenant et dit qu’il est méconnaissable que l’intimidateur il était; il est même assez sympa avec Clémentine. Peut-être c’est simplement qu’il a maintenant la cameraderie ainsi que d’un grand étang pour se baigner, mais la transformation est incroyable et pour ma part, je suis très contente de pouvoir aller dans le jardin sans mon garde du corps.