- Kieran’s ring didn’t arrive in time, so he had to make one on the £D printer!
When Kieran and Alice announced their intention to marry, their plan was to have as small a ceremony as possible, just themselves, both sets of parents and their witnesses. No fuss.
But there hasn’t been a wedding in the Bellocq family since that of Alice’s parents, 36 years ago, so understandably, everyone in the big, extended family wanted to be there; brothers, aunts and uncles, grandparents, loads of cousins, as well as a few, select friends.
Kieran’s witness, Chris, flew out from Harrogate, while Alice’s, Pierre (who looks just like a young Clark Gable) arrived from Athens; they’d all had a good night on the eve of the wedding and there were some sore heads by Monday morning.
Alice looked stunning in a beautiful blue dress and we felt so proud of Kieran, in his new suit and a ring he’d made on the 3D printer, as his hadn’t arrived in time; he looked so handsome, though I would think that, wouldn’t I?
The sun was splitting the paving as we arrived at the Mairie in Dax and everyone was glad of the cool inside as people spread themselves evenly betwen the two family sides of the seating; we adopted several of Alice’s friends and relations as honorary Cawthray family members for the service, so there wouldn’t be just Nick, Chris and I on “our” side. The lady who performed the wedding had phoned Kieran last week to ask how to pronounce his name and made a very passable attempt at it. The official part was over in minutes, but she went on to say a few words and read a poem which I think is a classic, but which, I have to admit, went over our heads.
By the time we left the Mairie, the sky had clouded over, so we were able to take some photos outside before going back to Alice’s parents’ house for the evening, and to watch the fantastic firework display put on for us by Mother Nature, as the thunder rumbled and the lightning flashed all around. The younger crowd headed off to a family house in the forest, where they could barbecue and party to their hearts’ content, without fear of disturbing neighbours, while we oldies celebrated in a quieter fashion. That’s not to say there wasn’t plenty of champagne flowing as we enjoyed an apero dinatoire, a sort of French finger buffet, containing all the ingredients of a sit down meal.
I’d love to say that Nick and I struggled to learn the names of all of Alice’s relatives, most of whom we hadn’t met before, but it would be more accurate to say that, for the most part, we failed. It was lovely to meet them all, though, and I hope we’ll do better next time we see them, when we have a big wedding party at the end of the month. Alex, Izzy and Gemma will be coming over for that, as well as other friends, so we Cawthrays will be better represented.
Le soleil etait très chaud quand nous sommes arrivés à la mairie de Dax et tout le monde était heureux d’aller à intérieur frais; nous avons adopté plusieurs français comme membres d’honneur de la famille Cawthray pour le service, pour que Nick, Chris et moi ne soient pas les seuls à «notre» côté de la pièce. La dame qui a effectué le mariage a apellé Kieran la semaine dernière pour demander comment prononcer son nom et a fait une tentative très passable. La ceremonie officielle n’a duré que quelques minutes, mais elle a continué à dire quelques mots et lire un poème qui je pense est un classique, mais qui, je dois admettre, nous n’avons pas compris.
Au moment où nous quittions la Mairie, le ciel était couvert, donc nous avons pu prendre quelques photos à l’extérieur avant de revenir chez les parents d’Alice pour une soirée, et de regarder le feu d’artifice fantastique mis sur nous par la Mère Nature, comme le tonnerre grondait et des éclairs tout autour. Les jeunes se dirigea vers la maison de famille dans la forêt, où ils pouvaient faire un barbecue et passer une soirée assez bruyant, sans crainte de déranger les voisins, alors que nous, les plus vieux et vieilles ont célébré dans un façon plus tranquille. Cela ne veut pas dire qu’il n’y avait pas beaucoup de champagne qui coulait, et nous avons apprécié un superbe apero dinatoire.
Je serais ravi de dire que Nick et moi ont eu du mal à apprendre les noms de tous les parents d’Alice, la plupart de ce que nous avions jamais rencontré auparavant, mais il serait plus exact de dire que, pour la plupart, nous avons échoué. Il était très agréable de les rencontrer tous, cependant, et j’espère que nous ferons mieux la prochaine fois que nous les voyons à la fin du mois, quand on fera une grande fete. Alex, Izzy et Gemma seront là, aussi que quelques autres amis donc nous, les Cawthray, seront mieux représenté.