We saw the surgeon yesterday; he’s delighted with the progress Nick’s making as far as his shoulder’s concerned and was almost jumping for joy when he told us how good it is to work with someone so fit, sporty and motivated. He was in no hurry to get rid of us as we discussed topics from the environment to the current refugee crisis; he can’t have had many appointments booked!
But the ankle; ah, yes, the ankle; still not healing. He sent Nick for another X-ray and gave me an article he’d co-written about the benefits of hydrotherapy post shoulder op, to read while we were waiting for the X-ray; fortunately it was in English.
The bone still doesn’t appear to be healing as quickly as it should, so he’s going to remove the pins. We were hoping he’d do it very soon, but he thinks it will be better left till Nick comes back from his planned cycling trip to Majorca at the end of this month; but at least the end is, hopefully, in sight and Nick can soon get back to normal.
Mais la cheville; ah, oui, la cheville; toujours pas de guérison. Il a envoyé Nick pour un radio et m’a donné un article qu’il avait co-écrit sur les bienfaits de l’hydrothérapie après une operation de l’épaule, à lire pendant que nous attendions pour le radio; heureusement, il était en anglais.
L’os ne semble toujours pas guerir aussi rapidement qu’il l’aimerait, donc il enlevera les broches. Nous espérions qu’il le ferait très bientôt, mais il pense que ce sera mieux fait lorsque Nick revient de son voyage à vélo prévu de Majorque à la fin de ce mois-ci; mais au moins la fin est, je l’espère, en vue et Nick peut rapidement revenir à la normale.