Our textile arts group met again last week; the list of requirements this time included paints, glue, crochet cotton, beads, lutradur (a non-woven synthetic which can be used in an amazing number of ways) sewing machines and hot air strippers. I also took along an electric radiator as the room has minimal heating and it was bitterly cold.
We were to make painted, embroidered, lutradur containers; for vases, nightlight holders, or just for fun; I fancied making a lamp, so Nick had prepared me a wooden base with light fitting attached.
Some of us followed the instructions, copying the suggested pattern and stitching first, while others did their own thing, painting before sewing their own design, using crochet cotton, or other thick thread in the bobbin. I chose a multi coloured design and watched in delight as the paints blended themselves, one running into the next, across the lutradur, the end result being better than I’d dared hope. Others used thicker paints, giving a totally different result, each one unique and beautiful in its own, individual way.
By lunchtime, we’d all finished painting and embroidering, so we hung our bits of lutradur near the radiators to dry while we ate; then the fun part began.
We wrapped up in as many layers as possible, to work outside as lutradur gives off fumes when you heat it; we hung hot air strippers out of the window and started to burn the lutradur. Nothing happens for a little while, then it starts to curl and wrinkle, the edges crumple up and disappear and a network of lacey holes appears. It’s difficult not to get carried away and be left with nothing!
Once that was done, we beaded and glued up what we’d made, most of the ladies completed their work in the day, but I, of course, had done my own thing and still had bits to finish off at home. It’s done now, though, and I’m pleased with the result!
Notre groupe d’arts textiles s’est rejoigné la semaine dernière ; cette fois on a du amener des machines à coudre, des peintures, du coton à crocheter, des perles, du lutradur et des décapeurs thermiques.
Nous avons peint et cousu le lutradur, avant de le bruler avec les décapeurs, puis on a attaché des perles et à collé pour finir
Chaqu’une était différent des autres, mais tout le monde était content avec leurs travaux de cette journée très agréable.