Harrogate and Bruges

Between building the house, throwing a mega party, planning and landscaping the garden, growing most of our own fruit and veg and other various activities in which we’re involved, I suppose it’s not surprising that we’ve been feeling more than a little tired recently. So when Alex asked if we’d like to visit, to see the house she and Graham have bought, it seemed a good opportunity to have a break.

It was great to see Alex’s new home, to meet up with all Nick’s family and mine, as well as friends from our past life and to catch up with everybody’s news; but as relaxing breaks go, it was a non starter as we squeezed in visits to uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, friends from all over. A day in York with our granddaughter, spent largely in the Fudge Kitchen; a day walking in the Dales with friends, when the sun showed up the glorious autumn colours; a curry evening with as many friends as could join us; our younger granddaughter’s birthday party; our books remained unread and “chilling time” a dream, though we did enjoy it.

We took the ferry to Zeebrugge on the return journey, watching the film “Miss Peregrine’s home for peculiar children” in the onboard cinema, I thought it was brilliant, though I think Nick was less impressed; then had a day sightseeing in Bruges, beautiful at this time of year.

And now it’s back to reality; there’s still loads of work to do and we’re no less tired than we were before we left. Perhaps we need a holiday!

Après un été très occupé, on était tellement fatigué qu’on a décidé aller à Harrogate récemment, voir la nouvelle maison de notre fille, rejoindre avec de la famille et des amis qu’on n’a pas vu depuis des années et aussi on espérait de se reposer.

On a passé un très agréable séjour; un jour à York avec notre petite fille; un jour faisant la rando dans les Yorkshire dales; on a fait la fête d’anniversaire de notre plus jeune petite fille; mais entre les visites ici et là-bas, avec la famille et les amis, nos livres sont restés fermé et le repos est resté un rêve.

En rentrant nous sommes allés à Bruges où on était des touristes pour la journée, c’était très beau. Mais maintenant on est même plus fatigué qu’avant et on a toujours besoin des vacances!

Time to light a fire

The days are getting shorter,

The nights are drawing in,

The evenings are feeling cold.

“Can we light a fire?” says I,

“Not till I’ve swept the chimney” says he.

I’m cold.

Sitting in the evenings, 

I put on extra sweaters,

I wrap up in a quilt,

I go to bed early with a hot water bottle.

“Can we light a fire?” says I,

“Not till I’ve swept the chimney” says he.

I cough.

“Bronchitis” says the doc,

“Go home and stay warm”.

We visit friends,

“You look awful” they say,

“Go home and stay warm”.

“Can we light a fire?” says I,

“Not till I’ve swept the chimney” says he.

Today he swept the chimney,

I polished the stove,

We brought in wood.

Tonight we’ll have a fire and be toasty warm,

And I’ll be a happy bunny.

It seemed like a good idea at the time

It seems so long ago that Nick suggested we design our new house upside down; it was so long ago. His reasoning was good; the interesting architecture is upstairs, the views are better from upstairs and the bedrooms will stay cooler in the summer.

What we didn’t take into account was the difficulty of getting such small, lightweight items as kitchen units, a large fridge or a range cooker onto the first floor. Nor the 152kg of woodburner that we bought a couple of weeks ago and which lived for a while on the terrace, until Kieran could come over to help move it.

The digger being out on loan, using that wasn’t an option; nor could they use the electric winch because of the overhang of the balcony; so ingenuity and brute strength came into play. They removed any parts they could, put up two ladders, side by side and wrapped the stove carefully in blankets before strapping it to a pallet. They attached a hand cranked winch as far as possible up the ladders, it only has about a metre of wire, then one winched while the other pushed. They used chocks and wooden beams to stop the stove sliding back down while the winch was reattached to the ladders higher up. That worked well till they reached the top of the ladders, but how to get it the last bit of the way? After a bit of head scratching, they removed the back planks from the balcony so they could tie ropes to the beams below, took the wire over a briquette and a beam to give it the required height and finally it arrived. Getting it from there to the fireplace was a doddle after the previous two hours’ nerve wracking hard labour.

Now all it needs is plumbing in; but Nick wants to rebuild the entire chimney, from bottom to top, first. I think it could be a very cold winter!

Quand on a pensé de faire notre maison dessus dessous, on n’a pas consideré comment on allait mettre des choses lourdes, comme frigo, cuisine ou gazinière, en haut.

Ni le poele qu’on a acheté et qui pese 152kg. Kieran et Nick ont réussi le mettre en haut avec des echelles, un treuil et beaucoup d’ingéniosité. Maintenant il ne faut que l’installer, mais Nick veut reconstruire toute la cheminée, du haut au fond, avant. Je crois qu’il pourrait etre un hiver froid chez nous!

A cycling roundup

In spite of repeated assertions that he’s hardly been out on his bike this year, Nick has clocked up a fair few kilometres.

It started back in April, when he got back on the bike properly after his accident, with a week’s trip to Majorca with Ian and Andrew; 600km. Another few weeks off after having the pins removed from his ankle, and it was time for the big trip up the Col de Tourmalet, with hundreds of other cyclists, accompanying the Geant du Tourmalet statue up the col to its summer home. A long weekend soon afterwards with Andrew and Ian saw them take in five cols and 8300m of climbing over 330km in the Pyrenees.

Then there was the morning I woke to find a note; “gone for a ride – heading south – at least 6 hours”. He’d left at 7.30am and phoned at 11.30 to say he was in Bagneres de Bigorre, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, was “going strong for the top” to quote Hillary and Irvine, so it would be rude not to go on to do the Tourmalet. Fortunately his trip had a happier ending than the ill fated Everest ascent and he got home at 7.30pm, having done 240km in the day as well as the Tourmalet (a savage climb of 29km, for those who don’t know it).

While I was at the patchwork show in Ste Marie aux Mines, Nick was exploring new territory; he’s long wanted to cycle in the Vosges, so this was a perfect opportunity, not to mention probably the only reason he agreed to drive 1100km each way so I could go to a patchwork show. The first day he’d planned a 130km route to take in 4 cols, including le petit ballon and le grand ballon; but on arriving at the summit of le petit ballon, he found that the road marked on the map for his descent didn’t exist, it simply petered out on the top, into trails and footpaths. So back the way he’d come up and find a new route back to Colmar; he ended up doing 170km that day. Day 2 was a gentler, more touristy ride, calling in to pretty villages with German sounding names and stopping to look at the French and German WW1 military cemeteries on either side of the border that runs along the ridge top; a mere 120km.

Since then he’s met Wayne, a New Zealand cyclist who has moved here, but with limited French. I don’t know how the Nogaro pharmacist had heard that he was looking for someone to ride with, but she mentioned it to our friend Jacques, who phoned Nick with Wayne’s number and a request to contact him. They’re well matched, both equally keen on the mountains and have had several trips to ride various cols before the winter weather sets in.

In all, he’s covered 6265km and ridden 39 cold so far this year; not bad, considering he couldn’t start till March.


A lot of miles, a lot of quilts.

For years I’ve wanted to go to the quilt festival in Ste. Marie aux Mines, in the diagonally opposite corner of France, near the German border. We had thought of taking the camper van and making it part of a two week trip, but there was too much going on in the garden to leave it for that long; so we went in the car and booked an hotel.

We set off at 6.30 on Tuesday morning; with a little over 1000km to do, we needed an early start. Only stopping for natural breaks and to swap drivers, we made it in 13 hours and found the F1 hotel in Colmar, near the Statue of Liberty roundabout, the small replica statue constructed to celebrate the life of its designer, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, a son of Colmar.

It was 40km to Ste. Marie, so the following morning I dropped Nick off part way there; he was going to spend the two days cycling in the Vosges, something he’s long wanted to do, and I headed for the show. It’s held at 19 sites in four villages with buses shuttling visitors from one site to another; with 20 000 visitors you wouldn’t want all of them driving back and forth all day.

There were over 1000 quilts on display, so there was something for every taste, from the very traditional to contemporary to 3-D installations; quilts made by Americans and Canadians during the second world war, for refugees in Europe; incredible “thread painted” quilts which could easily be taken for photos and a huge quilt, made entirely by hand of tiny pieces of fabric, over the last ten years; though one had to ask “Why?”

There were exhibitors from all over the globe; Japan, Korea, America, Canada as well as many European countries. The visitors were mostly French and German, but lots of English, Italians, Dutch and other nationalities whose languages I couldn’t place.

The work of one artist particularly caught my eye; she was doing a workshop on the technique of fabric manipulation, but not till after we’d left. I went back for another look and asked if there were still places at the workshop, if I could persuade Nick to stay another night; yes, she said, but she could do me a workshop the next morning if I wanted – I didn’t need asking twice.

By the evening, I was exhausted, having walked around over half the show in the day; I wasn’t impressed at receiving the first speeding ticket of my life on the way back to the hotel, when I was so busy looking for road signs telling me my route that I completely missed seeing a village sign, or the two gendarmes hiding a few metres behind it.

We went to Colmar for dinner; not the choucroute Nick had been looking forward to, but ate in a Yugoslavian restaurant. We didn’t manage choucroute the following evening either, but ended up eating a superb mezze in a Lebanese restaurant. Colmar is a beautiful city, with an ancient centre which buzzes in the evening.

The morning of day two was spent at my workshop, learning to do what turned out to be a modern form of smocking; I was delighted with the result and will be able to pass on the technique to the rest of the women in the Art Textiles group. In the afternoon I managed to get round the rest of the show; you could easily spot quilters by the end of the day – weary looking women, mostly laden with bags of fabrics, buttons, rulers and surprisingly often accompanied by their other halves, some in a capacity as photographers, others clearly bored and wondering how much longer they’d have to stay, but a few genuinely interested in the art on display.

The following day we left early, it was a long, hard drive home, wet for the first ten hours; but the trip was well worth the effort, I loved the show and Nick thoroughly enjoyed his cycling.



Strange, wet stuff, falling from the sky

Apart from a shower on August 19th, we’d had no rain since June 15th. And for most of this time, the weather has been pretty hot, between 35 and 40ºC in the shade most days.

Unsurprisingly, the garden has suffered. Thanks to the system Nick installed, which allows us to use the treated water that comes out of the septic tank, along with water pumped from the well, we’ve been able to water the veg plot and plants in pots, but that has taken all our water and up to two hours a day. Plants on the banking have died, trees and shrubs in the park are looking very sad and the grass is brown and crunchy underfoot. Friends reliant on rainwater butts have had to stop watering as the cost of using tap water is too high to justify. The vines look green enough, but the vignerons are expecting a small crop of grapes this year, about 10% less than normal, due to lack of rain.

So yesterday afternoon, when I heard distant rumbles of thunder as I picked tomatoes, I was quite excited at the prospect of some rain. The clouds were gathering in the south, obliterating our view of the Pyrenees; the air became heavy and sticky; we could see that it was raining across the valley. Finally, the sun disappeared and the first few drops arrived, big, heavy drops. We moved the geraniums out of the shelter of the house, pushed the chairs back from the edge of the balcony and I have to admit to jumping around the garden for the joy of seeing the rain, before adjourning to the balcony to watch nature’s firework display.

It rained steadily for several hours and I’m sure the grass looks ever so slightly greener already!

No time to rest

It’s that time of year; the time of year when the extra freezer is turned on and filled, the time of year when the garden produces so much good food that we’re hard pressed to cope with it all, the time of year when the shelves in the arrière cuisine groan with the weight of bottled beans and beetroot, jars of pasta sauce, jams, chutneys and pickles.

I’d reorganised the shelves several times, shuffling stuff about to squeeze in another jar here, another bottle there, and this time there really wasn’t any more space for the next lot of jars to be housed. It was time to implement plan A, pushed aside several years ago because we could cope with plan B (open shelving made from briquettes and old planks), so it wasn’t a priority. Plan A; to fit cupboards the length of one wall in the arrière cuisine, giving us more storage space and keeping the jars and bottles in the dark. First step; a trip to Brico Depot in Pau for the cupboards, just the cheapest they have and one day Nick will build decent doors for them. He was supposed to start building them the following day, but we also found a very nice cast iron bed frame in the Troc (second hand furniture shop) in Pau, so he had to go back with the trailer to pick it up. Plans, eh?

Kieran came over to help build and fit the cupboards which I’ve now filled in an organised manner; it’s a real treat to be able to find what I’m looking for.

The small freezer is only half full; something that irks Nick, so as it was too hot to go outside this afternoon, we made a couple of batches of sausages. The first lot are pork and haggis, the rest are pork, apple, sage and onion. They should keep us going for a while.


Il est ce temps de l’année; le temps de l’année où le congélateur supplémentaire est allumé et rempli, le temps de l’année où le jardin produit tellement bonne nourriture que nous avons du mal nous debrouiller, le temps de l’année où les étagères de l’arrière cuisine  gémissent avec le poids de haricots en bouteille et la betterave, des bocaux de sauce pour pâtes, confitures, chutneys et marinades.

J’avais réorganisé les étagères à plusieurs reprises, traînant des choses sur le point de serrer dans un autre pot ici, une autre bouteille là, et cette fois il n’y avait pas vraiment de plus d’espace pour le prochain lot de pots à être logé. Il était temps de mettre en œuvre le plan A, mis de côté il y a plusieurs années parce que nous pourrions faire face avec le plan B (rayonnage ouvert fabriqué des briquettes et des vieilles planches), de sorte qu’il n’a pas été une priorité. Plan A; poser les placards la longueur d’un mur dans l’arrière cuisine , nous donnant plus d’espace de stockage et de garder les bocaux et les bouteilles dans l’obscurité. Premier pas; un voyage à Brico Depot à Pau pour les placards, les moins chers et un jour Nick construira des belles portes pour eux. Il était censé commencer à les construire le lendemain, mais nous avons aussi trouvé un cadre de lit en fonte très agréable dans le Troc à Pau, il a donc dû revenir avec la remorque pour le ramasser. Des plans, hein?

Kieran est venu pour aider à construire et monter les placards que j’ai rempli d’une manière organisée; il est un vrai régal pour être en mesure de trouver ce que je cherche.

Le petit congélateur est à moitié plein; quelque chose qui irrite Nick, alors qu’il faisait trop chaud pour sortir cet après-midi, nous avons fait quelques lots de saucisses. Le premier lot sont le porc et le haggis, le reste sont le porc, pomme, la sauge et l’oignon. Ils devraient nous permettre de tenir pendant un certain temps.

Nick’s big six-o

The weekend of Nick’s birthday was always going to be a busy one, coinciding as it did, with the Caupenne village fete. We went along on Friday night, just to meet up with people, have a drink and eat mussels and chips. On Saturday evening Didier’s band was playing, so, like the proverbial bad pennies, we turned up again, keeping his wife and mother company. Sunday lunch is always the highlight of the weekend, with hundreds of people arriving first for the aperitifs, then a lavish, multi-course lunch which goes on well into the evening.This year the music was provided by a Gascon male voice choir, singing traditional Gascon and Basque songs that most of the locals knew.

Nick had been out cycling with the club in the morning, so had to have a quick shower and change to go to the meal; no sooner had we finished with the coffee and armagnac, than it was time to dash home, change again and head out to the restaurant I’d booked for the evening. A bit excessive? Yes, probably, but a friend was booked to play there that evening, so it would have been a shame to miss it. This is fast becoming our favourite restaurant, not least because of the efforts they make to accommodate my diet, but also simply because the food is superb.They also remembered from when we’d booked back in June, that this was Nick’s birthday, so his dessert was brought to the table with a firework and Nam’s band playing Happy Birthday as the rest of the customers and staff joined in.

He seems very pleased with his present; a week’s course learning to paraglide in the Pyrenees. I don’t know when we’ll have time to fit it in, but I’ll do a full report.

Sorry for the quality of the photos, taken on my phone in the half light of dusk and later.

Le week-end de l’anniversaire de Nick allait toujours etre très occupée, coïncidant avec la fete de Caupenne. Nous sommes y allés le vendredi soir, pour rencontrer des gens, prendre un verre et manger des moules frites. Le samedi soir, le groupe de Didier jouait, donc nous sommes y allés à nouveau, passant la soirée avec sa femme et sa mère. Le déjeuner du dimanche est toujours le point culminant du week-end, avec des centaines de personnes qui arrivent d’abord pour les apéritifs, puis un somptueux, repas qui continue jusqu’au soir. Cette année la musique a été fournie par un  chœur Gascon qui ont chanté des chansons traditionnelles gascons et basques que la plupart des gens du pays connaissaient.

Nick est allé au vélo avec le club le matin, donc il a dû prendre une douche rapide et changer pour aller au repas; à peine nous avons terminé le café et l’armagnac, et il était temps de rentrer, changer de nouveau et aller au restaurant que j’avais réservé pour la soirée. Un peu excessif? Oui, sans doute, mais un ami y allait jouer ce soir-là, il aurait été dommage de le manquer. Ceci est en train de devenir notre restaurant préféré, notamment en raison des efforts qu’ils font pour accueillir mon alimentation, mais aussi parce que la nourriture est superbe. Ils se souvenaient aussi de quand nous avions réservé en juin, que ce fut l’anniversaire de Nick, de sorte que son dessert a été amené à la table avec un feu d’artifice et le groupe de Nam jouer joyeux anniversaire lorsque la reste des clients et du personnel ont chanté.

Il semble très satisfait de son cadeau; l’apprentissage d’une semaine à parapente dans les Pyrénées. Je ne sais pas quand nous aurons le temps de le faire, mais je ferai un rapport complet.

Desolée pour la qualité des photos, pris a mon portable quand il faisait presque nuit.

No rest for the wicked

In the run up to our party, our poor garden suffered horribly; weeds have taken over most of the potager, smothering lettuces and strawberries and making it almost impossible to get between rows of tomatoes. Plants on the banking have died, simply because I didn’t have the time to water them and next to nothing was picked for nearly two weeks. Fortunately, since it has only rained once in the last two months, the grass has given up growing, so hasn’t needed mowing.

This week we’ve tried to get back on top of things; not easy as with the current heatwave, it’s impossible to stay out past 10am, but we’ve picked the last of the courgettes, 10kg of aubergines, heaps of beans and tomatoes and our ridiculously huge crop of onions.

We defrosted the big freezer in preparation for the filling season; bags of caponata and courgettes Provençal, trays full of yellow beans and sliced aubergines and ready meals of stuffed round courgettes. The dehydrator is running 24 hours a day – found the right food dehydrator reviews on time, great – full of plum tomatoes and black figs from my neighbour, our white figs will soon be ready along with apples to prepare and freeze. I planted rather too much Swiss chard, have given bags and bags of it away, but I think I’ll have to start blanching and freezing that too. Nick’s started a batch of a blackberry aperitif, that we hope will be as good as the cherry one he made last year.  The next job is to plait the onions so they can be hung up in the cabanon.

Work on the house is on the back boiler for the time being, until we can get out of the kitchen.


Pendant les semaines autour de notre fete, notre pauvre jardin a souffert horriblement; les mauvaises herbes ont repris la majeure partie du potager, étouffant les salades et les fraises et ce qui rend presque impossible d’entrer entre les rangées de tomates. Quelques plantes sur le talus sont morts, simplement parce que je n’ai pas eu le temps d’arroser pendant près de deux semaines. Heureusement, car il n’a plu qu’une seule fois au cours des deux derniers mois, l’herbe n’a pas poussé, la tonte n’est donc pas nécessaire.

Cette semaine, nous avons essayé de revenir au-dessus des choses; pas facile car avec la canicule actuelle, il est impossible de rester dehors après 10 heures, mais nous avons ramassé les derniers des courgettes, 10kg d’aubergines , tas de haricots et de tomates et notre ridiculement énorme récolte d’oignons.

Nous avons décongelé le grand congélateur dans la préparation pour la saison de remplissage; sacs de caponata et courgettes provençal, plateaux pleins de haricots jaunes et les aubergines en tranches et des plats cuisinés de courgettes rondes farcies. Le déshydrateur fonctionne 24 heures par jour, plein de tomates italiennes et figues noires de ma voisine, nos figues blanches seront bientôt prêts avec des pommes pour préparer et congeler. J’ai planté un peu trop de blettes, j’ai donné des sacs et des sacs de loin, mais je pense que je vais devoir commencer à blanchir et de congéler aussi. Nick a commencé un lot d’un apéritif de mûre, que nous espérons être aussi bon que celui de la cerise qu’il a fait l’année dernière. La tâche suivante consiste à tresser les oignons afin qu’ils puissent être accroché dans le cabanon.

On ne fait pas des travaux à la maison pour le moment, jusqu’à ce que nous pouvons sortir de la cuisine.




Our big bun fight

Last weekend was our 60th birthday-cum-housewarming party. We’d been preparing for it for months, though hopes that the house would be finished, or at least habitable, faded a few weeks ago.

Gemma flew in from Australia, her case full of bunting and other decorations, followed the next day by Alex and her two daughters from England. The place was starting to fill up. It wasn’t without incident, however, as two guests who arrived a couple of days in advance missed the drive, put their camper van in the ditch and had to be towed out by a friendly farmer neighbour.

On Thursday we went to the market to buy heaps of melons, lettuce and other necessities and Hervé brought us 13kg of home grown tomatoes. On Saturday morning I picked up two huge sacks of bread while Nick went to collect the croustade, a delicious local dessert,

Everyone was put to work, cleaning, preparing food, installing the tables and chairs we’d borrowed from the village and the gazebos lent by friends. Gemma decorated the cake while Karen, who’d flown in from Northern Ireland, created beautiful table decorations from anything she could find in the garden. Didier brought the red wine and Jacques the white and rosé, as well as the armagnac, without which no meal is complete here. Maithée did a bit of everything, from washing up, to making toasts, to cleaning the new kitchen till it sparkled.

Twenty-something people sat down to lunch, grateful for the shade afforded by the gazebos, as it was a hot day under a clear blue sky; then we set to to prepare for the evening. We coloured sand to put in little jam jars, borrowed from everywhere, to use as night light holders, and wrapped them in ribbons. We made 300 toasts and various other aperitifs. We poured wine into carafes. set the tables and hung fairy lights. Francis not only lent us crockery, cutlery, glasses and an industrial dishwasher, set up in the back garden, but also made a magnificent paella for eighty people for the evening. Adrian and Jacques brought and set up a sound system for the bands.

Suddenly it was nearly 7o’clock, time for a very quick change of clothes before people started to arrive.

The evening passed so quickly. Hervé brought us a cremaillère, which is a piece of metal, traditionally hung in the chimney in the kitchen, from which you hang a cooking pot over the fire; the French phrase for housewarming is pendre (hang) la cremaillère. Once you’ve done that, the house is really yours.

Between eating, we played Irish music with EtCelterra then later moved on to some rock classics with a band put together for the night. Ade and Thierry were our lead guitars, Didier on rhythm, me on vocals and Kerri, the daughter of one of my students, who was here on holiday, played base. We’d never all played together before and hadn’t managed to find a drummer, but both Gemma and Alex had a turn as drummers. Perfect it may not have been, but it was great fun and all our guests seemed to enjoy it.

We brought out the cake, a fruit cake in true English style as most of the guests were French and had never tasted one; but as we started to cut it, the table collapsed under it! Incredibly, the cake landed right side up on its board, totally undamaged!

By the time we got to bed at 4am, we were absolutely shattered, but happy as everybody seemed to have had a great evening.